Money: The way You Feel… Matters.

Money is all about hard numbers and hard work? Is there any element of ‘feeling’ in matters of wealth? How we ‘feel’ about money is a strange concept to many.  But the awareness is spreading, with increased research in psychology. Feelings about money has more impact than we think. Like other aspects, the feelings towards money shapes up … Read more Money: The way You Feel… Matters.

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Why I had no Luck with ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Book

Have you read ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ book ? If you have not, you should. Excellent book on the habits and approach of rich vs. poor. Major take-away is: The way rich people think about money is fundamentally different than the way poor and middle class people. They have positive attitude and approach towards money. … Read more Why I had no Luck with ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Book

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