Value Education: Reducing Objectification of Women – Lesson from Epic

One of the biggest issue these days is objectification of women. The children who grow up with watching women as objects pose huge threat to social health. Needless to say, the threat of own kids doing something embarrassing in the future is a nightmare. Irrespective of the level of professional success, they could always end up … Read more Value Education: Reducing Objectification of Women – Lesson from Epic

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Money: The way You Feel… Matters.

Money is all about hard numbers and hard work? Is there any element of ‘feeling’ in matters of wealth? How we ‘feel’ about money is a strange concept to many.  But the awareness is spreading, with increased research in psychology. Feelings about money has more impact than we think. Like other aspects, the feelings towards money shapes up … Read more Money: The way You Feel… Matters.

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Kids Education against Molestation: How much is too much ?

I read yet another article on protecting children from molestation. For quite some time we had been hearing about rapes and child molestation. How to protect the kids? These days too many ideas are going to the extremes. Following are the ones I observed Every stranger is evil. Every male is a threat. This is okay … Read more Kids Education against Molestation: How much is too much ?

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Kids Don’t Understand Ownership and Borrowing

My son Tejas and I started playing badminton in the park. All going well. All of a sudden, a kid zooms near us on his scooter.  He was around 4-5 years. He stops near Tejas and asks him to give the racket. “I want to play badminton. Give me the racket.” That kid was not bullying. … Read more Kids Don’t Understand Ownership and Borrowing

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What Bothered My Son about Being Short (Looks like I Helped)

It was bed time. We exchanged what bothered us during the day and what went well. Tejas spoke. “Today again everyone called me Baby. As I too short Mom? It is bad to be short, right? I want to be tall !” He had felt very bad. The ma’am, classmates everyone made fun of him. … Read more What Bothered My Son about Being Short (Looks like I Helped)

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Why I had no Luck with ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Book

Have you read ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ book ? If you have not, you should. Excellent book on the habits and approach of rich vs. poor. Major take-away is: The way rich people think about money is fundamentally different than the way poor and middle class people. They have positive attitude and approach towards money. … Read more Why I had no Luck with ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Book

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