Is Your Child Addicted to Cell Phone? Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Children and smart phone addiction

Last week I wrote about my struggles with my son using the mobile phone. Initially I avoided giving him phone and succeeded. Then came bigger problems and I had to give him mobile. Read that blog here. When I him mobile, he assured he will use it for only 1 hour per day. As per … Read more Is Your Child Addicted to Cell Phone? Part 2

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Is Your Child Addicted to Cell Phone?

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Children and smart phone addiction

Cell phone addiction is everywhere, among adults and children. But how do children develop habit of using cell phones? Scenario 1 : Small children can be extremely clingy and they don’t let you do anything else. Parenting is tough and sometimes parents just need a break. So we, parents give mobile to kids just to … Read more Is Your Child Addicted to Cell Phone?

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5 ways you can help your child with exam preparation

As exam season starts,  mothers disappear. Even many take leave from the work. Where are they? Helping kids with the studies! Don’t think this is exaggeration. Children need support and mothers are happy to do it. But now a days, increased syllabus is putting lot of pressure on children as well as mothers. Let us … Read more 5 ways you can help your child with exam preparation

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