Results day is a major validation day for parents and children!. It is a day full of hope, excitement, joy, fear, anxiety and tears.
I agree, exam results are important. Results say a lot about the student. Results form opinions in teacher’s mind. Results form opinions among peers. Results make parents happy or angry. Results indeed affect the self image of the student.
All this importance on ‘result’ (or should I say high scores) is justified when a poor score stops an efficient candidate from even applying for a job (ever heard of cut off marks?). Many things in life becomes easy with high scores.
But still, Exam Results Aren’t Everything!.
There are different types of intelligence. Exam result mainly tells about logical and linguistic abilities of a student. But it doesn’t tell about life skills like leadership skills, handling conflicts, self control, values. Exam result is not the final verdict of a student’s life.
If your child scored high, appreciate the effort instead of the score. If your child scored low, just listen. All your child need is your support.
Here are few people who did not do well in school but became highly successful in life.