Work from Home Jobs : 10 Things Mothers Should Consider

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Work from home jobs for women (mothers)

It is a hard truth that career takes back seat when we become mothers. Being young mother is physically and mentally challenging.

When I became mother, it was all confusing. I was doing great in my job but wanted to take care of my child too. I tried different options:  loss of pay leaves, day care, leaving my son with grandparents, sabbatical, part-time jobs etc. Every time I  thought, I have it all, some new challenge would arise. Finally I realized I can’t have it all.

After leaving my full-time corporate job, I have tried lot of options, started 2 startups (running one now), wrote books, learnt new technologies, mastered new skills, volunteered in several organizations. Sometimes I do think, what I have is a blessing in disguise.  I could have never done all these in a regular job.

Mothers, who have left their jobs, please don’t regret. This is a great opportunity for you to start doing what you love. There are a lot of part-time/work from home options now. Most don’t find them because of wrong self-analysis and career mapping. Some mothers over-estimate their free time and some others think they are too busy. Mothers usually get more time once children grow up and re-visiting career choices may be painful by then.

Think and answer below questions. These are crucial to decide your career path.


In the next blog, I will write about some wonderful ‘work from home‘ jobs.


Do you think children of working mothers are more independent?

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Chetana S

Chetana S

Chetana is an animator, story teller, entrepreneur and engineer who has worked in technology domains with international clients. She is certified in psychology from Yale University and also a certified story teller from Kathalaya. She had immense success in combining psychology with story telling.

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